Discover the New
Era of Social
Partner Dance
Paperback Edition
E-Book Edition
About the bOok
In a time of remote electronic exchanges, social distancing, and societal divisions, Lead Follow Flow invites you to bring more connected movement into your life. Whether you are a seasoned dancer or wanting to learn partner dance fundamentals for the first time, you will gain a heightened awareness of how to lead with attention to detail, follow through acute listening, and flow within a kinesthetic conversation both on and off the dance floor.
Between Fusion partner dance, Contact Improvisation, and innovative social dance facilitation, communities across the earth are eliminating the archaic male-lead and female-follow roles of yesteryear. People are now exploring new possibilities of connection, framing, and expression in the twenty-first century. More and more, movement is becoming a powerful and meaningful communication platform that transcends gender stereotypes. Together, we can use social dance to rewrite power structures, transform our relationships, and invite more fluid magic into our lives.

James Weston catalyzes empowered leaders and fluid co-creators across the world by sharing lifelong relating and communication techniques. Lead Follow Flow is the culmination of his fifteen-year experience as a facilitator of multiple movement modalities across North America.
James offers in-person and remote dance instruction, as well as dance immersion retreats and teacher trainings.

"James has helped me re-awaken my passion and enthusiasm for partner dancing, his creative and innovative teaching style is completely inspiring and makes for a rich and lively learning experience. James' model offers an exciting alternative for those who prefer communication through connection as a pathway for fun and learning."
Carsten Almskaar
Bellingham, WA

"James is a vivacious and talented teacher, with a knack for drawing anyone out of their shell. I've seen people come to his classes looking for traditional salsa instruction, and by the end they were taking turns leading and working those hip swivels with the best of them!"
Zoe Rae
Portland, OR

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